💳 Pay 2x free of charge for purchases over €70

(UPDATED 01/08/23)

These terms and conditions are current as of August 1, 2022.


  1. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as ''GTC'') are offered by SANAFLOW (hereinafter referred to as ''the company''), a SAS with capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the PARIS Trade and Companies Registry under number 893503516, represented by Floriane Rebourg, whose registered office is located at 54 rue crillon, 69006 LYON, France. 

  2. Its toll-free telephone number is 07 80 97 15 02, and its e-mail address is [email protected].

  3. The company is the owner and publisher of the website www.lelabdelendo.com (hereinafter ''the Site''). The Site is hosted by Shopify, Shopify Inc, a Canadian company registered on the TSX and NYSE, domiciled at 151 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada, reachable at 16132412828. The publication director is Shopify. 

  4. The Site offers the Customer (hereinafter referred to as ''the Customer'') information, support, health solutions and products aimed at relieving symptoms related to endometriosis and, more generally, chronic pain. (hereinafter the ''Products/Services'').  

  5. Before using the Site, the Customer must ensure that he/she has the technical and IT resources to use the Site and to order the services and Products on the Site, and that his/her browser allows secure access to the Site. The Customer must also ensure that the computer configuration of his hardware/equipment is in good condition and free of viruses.


  1. The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is to define all the conditions under which the company markets the Products and/or Services offered for sale on the Site to Customers. They therefore apply to any Order (hereinafter "Order") for Products and/or Services placed on the Site by the Customer.

  2. The Customer declares that he/she has read and accepted these General Terms and Conditions of Sale before placing his/her Order.

  3. Validation of the Order therefore implies acceptance of these GCS. These terms and conditions are regularly updated. The applicable terms and conditions are those in force on the Site on the date the Order is placed. 

  4. In the absence of express acceptance by the customer, any condition to the contrary will be unenforceable against the company, regardless of when it may have been brought to its attention.

  5. The fact that the company does not avail itself at a given time of any provision of these GCS may not be interpreted as a waiver of the right to avail itself at a later date of any provision of the said GCS.


The company reserves the right to correct the content of the Site at any time.

  1. The customer can find out on the product page the period during which, or the date up to which, spare parts essential for the use of the product are available on the market. 

  2. The Products and/or Services offered for sale are described and presented as accurately as possible. Nevertheless, a slight variation in the color of the product(s) does not engage the responsibility of the company and does not affect the validity of the sale.

  3. The Customer selects the Product(s) and/or Service(s) he/she wishes to purchase, and can access the Order summary at any time.

  4. The Order summary lists the Product(s) and/or Service(s) selected by the Customer, and includes any additional charges, such as delivery costs, which are added to the price of the Product(s) and/or Service(s) in the Order. The Customer may modify his/her Order and correct any errors before accepting it.

  5. After accessing the Order summary, the Customer confirms acceptance of the Order by ticking the GTS validation box, then clicking on the Order validation icon. The words ''Order with payment obligation'' or a similar unambiguous wording appear next to the Order validation icon to ensure that the Customer explicitly acknowledges his/her obligation to pay for the Order.

  6. After acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions and validation of the Order with payment obligation, the contract is validly concluded between the company and the Customer and irrevocably commits them.

  7. Once the Order has been validated, and in order to proceed with payment, the Customer enters the contact details for delivery of the product(s) and receipt of the service(s), and for invoicing if these are different. The process for delivery of the product(s) and receipt of the service(s) is described in article 5 of these GTS.  


  1. The company will then send the Customer an Order confirmation by e-mail, containing the details of the Order summary and the delivery and, where applicable, billing addresses entered.

  2. After validating the delivery details and, where applicable, the billing details, the Customer pays for the Order in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below.


  1. Prices are mentioned on the Site in the descriptions of the Products and/or Services, in euros and exclusive of tax and inclusive of all taxes. 

  2. The total amount is indicated in the order summary, before the Customer accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, validates the Order, enters and validates delivery and, if applicable, billing details, and proceeds to payment. This total amount includes all taxes.

  3. Orders for Products and/or Services on the Site are payable in euros. Payment must be made in full on the day the Order is placed by the Customer, by credit card, unless special conditions of sale are expressly accepted by the Customer and the company. 

  4. In the case of payment by credit card, the Site uses the stripe security system, a service provider specializing in the security of online payments. This system guarantees the total confidentiality of the Customer's banking information. The bank card transaction between the Customer and the secure system is therefore fully encrypted and protected. The customer's bank details are not stored electronically by the company. Stripe's general terms and conditions of use can be viewed at the following address: https://stripe.com/fr/privacy. 

  5. The Customer guarantees the company that he/she has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment when placing the Order.

  6. The company reserves the right to suspend or cancel any execution and/or delivery of an Order, whatever its nature and level of execution, in the event of non-payment or partial payment of any sum owed by the Customer to the company, in the event of a payment incident, or in the event of fraud or attempted fraud relating to the use of the site and the payment of an Order.


  1.   The product(s) offered on the Site can be delivered to Metropolitan France and the following states: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, United Kingdom.
  2.  The company undertakes to deliver the product(s) within a period not exceeding 5 to 7 working days from the date of the Order.  

  3. When the Order is ready, the Customer is informed by e-mail of its dispatch. The product(s) ordered will be delivered to the delivery address indicated by the Customer at the time of placing the Order, under the conditions specified in article 3.8 of these General Terms and Conditions. ⚠️ E-mails are only insured if the address has been previously mentioned in section 3, point 7. Otherwise, no transmission of information is possible.

  4. The Customer must ensure that the information communicated under article 3.7 of these GTS is correct, and that it remains so until complete delivery of the product(s) ordered. The Customer therefore undertakes to inform the company of any change in billing and/or delivery details that may occur between the Order and delivery, by sending an e-mail to the customer service e-mail address without delay. Failing this, in the event of late and/or incorrect delivery, the Customer may under no circumstances hold the company liable for non-delivery, and the company's customer service department will contact the Customer to arrange a second delivery at the Customer's expense. 

  5. Nor shall the company be liable if the non-receipt of the Products and/or Services is due to the act of a third party outside its intervention or in the event of theft.  

  6. If the Order is returned due to the Customer's absence, the company's customer service department will contact the Customer for a second delivery at the Customer's expense. 

  7. The Customer may track the delivery of his Order by contacting the customer service number given in article 6.2 of these GCS. 


  1. For any request for information, clarification or complaint, the Customer must first contact the company's customer service department, to enable the latter to attempt to find a solution to the problem.

  2. The company's customer service can be reached from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday using the following contact details: 
  • Telephone: 07 80 97 15 02  
  • email : [email protected] 
  • mail: 10 RUE DE LA PAIX 75002 PARIS 


All products offered by the company are subject to the legal guarantee of conformity provided by law, and in particular articles L.217-4, L.217-5 and L.217-12 of the French Consumer Code, and to the guarantee against hidden defects provided by articles 1641 and 1648, first paragraph, of the French Civil Code: 

Non-conforming products will be replaced or repaired in accordance with the cost procedures set out in the French Consumer Code.

The legal warranty of conformity applies independently of any commercial warranty.

The Customer :

(i) has a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery of the Product in which to bring an action for lack of conformity of the Product

(ii) is exempted from proving the existence of the lack of conformity of the good during the ten (6) months following delivery of the product,

(iii) may choose between repairing or replacing the product, subject to the cost conditions set out in article L. 217-9 of the French Consumer Code. 

In addition, the Customer may also invoke the legal warranty for hidden defects in the item sold, as defined in articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code. The legal warranty for hidden defects entitles the Customer to a refund for a Product which has proved unfit for its intended use, within two years of discovery of the defect. 

The warranty against hidden defects protects the customer against hidden defects in the purchased product which prevent its use or affect it to such an extent that the customer would not have purchased it.

The customer then has two options: keep the product and ask for a price reduction, or return the product and ask for a refund of the price paid, in accordance with article 1644 of the French Civil Code.

Il est rappelé les dispositions légales suivantes :

Art. L217-4 du Code de la Consommation : ’’Le vendeur livre un bien conforme au contrat et répond des défauts de conformité existant lors de la délivrance. Il répond également des défauts de conformité résultant de l'emballage, des instructions de montage ou de l'installation lorsque celle-ci a été mise à sa charge par le contrat ou a été réalisée sous sa responsabilité.’’
Art. L217-5 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ Le bien est conforme au contrat : 1° S'il est propre à l'usage habituellement attendu d'un bien semblable et, le cas échéant (a) s'il correspond à la description donnée par le vendeur et possède les qualités que celui-ci a présentées à l'acheteur sous forme d'échantillon ou de modèle ;(b) s'il présente les qualités qu'un acheteur peut légitimement attendre eu égard aux déclarations publiques faites par le vendeur, par le producteur ou par son représentant, notamment dans la publicité ou l'étiquetage ; 2° Ou s'il présente les caractéristiques définies d'un commun accord par les parties ou est propre à tout usage spécial recherché par l'acheteur, porté à la connaissance du vendeur et que ce dernier a accepté. ’’

Art. L217-7 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ Les défauts de conformité qui apparaissent dans un délai de vingt-quatre mois à partir de la délivrance du bien sont présumés exister au moment de la délivrance, sauf preuve contraire. Pour les biens vendus d'occasion, ce délai est fixé à six mois. Le vendeur peut combattre cette présomption si celle-ci n'est pas compatible avec la nature du bien ou le défaut de conformité invoqué. ’’

Art. L217-8 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ L'acheteur est en droit d'exiger la conformité du bien au contrat. Il ne peut cependant contester la conformité en invoquant un défaut qu'il connaissait ou ne pouvait ignorer lorsqu'il a contracté. Il en va de même lorsque le défaut a son origine dans les matériaux qu'il a lui-même fournis. ’’

Art. L217-9 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ En cas de défaut de conformité, l'acheteur choisit entre la réparation et le remplacement du bien. Toutefois, le vendeur peut ne pas procéder selon le choix de l'acheteur si ce choix entraîne un coût manifestement disproportionné au regard de l'autre modalité, compte tenu de la valeur du bien ou de l'importance du défaut. Il est alors tenu de procéder, sauf impossibilité, selon la modalité non choisie par l'acheteur. ’’

Art. L217-10 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ Si la réparation et le remplacement du bien sont impossibles, l'acheteur peut rendre le bien et se faire restituer le prix ou garder le bien et se faire rendre une partie du prix. La même faculté lui est ouverte : 1° Si la solution demandée, proposée ou convenue en application de l'article L. 217-9 ne peut être mise en œuvre dans le délai d'un mois suivant la réclamation de l'acheteur ; 2° Ou si cette solution ne peut l'être sans inconvénient majeur pour celui-ci compte tenu de la nature du bien et de l'usage qu'il recherche. La résolution de la vente ne peut toutefois être prononcée si le défaut de conformité est mineur. ’’

Art. L217-11 du Code de la Consommation : ’’ L'application des dispositions des articles L. 217-9 et L. 217-10 a lieu sans aucun frais pour l'acheteur. Ces mêmes dispositions ne font pas obstacle à l'allocation de dommages et intérêts. ’’

Art. L217-12 du Code de la Consommation : ’’L'action résultant du défaut de conformité se prescrit par deux ans à compter de la délivrance du bien. ’’

Art. L217-13 du Code de la Consommation : ’’Les dispositions de la présente section ne privent pas l'acheteur du droit d'exercer l'action résultant des vices rédhibitoires telle qu'elle résulte des articles 1641 à 1649 du code civil ou toute autre action de nature contractuelle ou extracontractuelle qui lui est reconnue par la loi. ’’

Art. 1641 du Code Civil : ’’ Le vendeur est tenu de la garantie à raison des défauts cachés de la chose vendue qui la rendent impropre à l'usage auquel on la destine, ou qui diminuent tellement cet usage que l'acheteur ne l'aurait pas acquise, ou n'en aurait donné qu'un moindre prix, s'il les avait connus. ’’

Art.1642 du Code Civil : ’’ Le vendeur n'est pas tenu des vices apparents et dont l'acheteur a pu se convaincre lui-même. ’’

Art. 1643 du Code Civil : ’’ Il est tenu des vices cachés, quand même il ne les aurait pas connus, à moins que, dans ce cas, il n'ait stipulé qu'il ne sera obligé à aucune garantie.’’

Art. 1644 du Code Civil : ’’ Dans le cas des articles 1641 et 1643, l'acheteur a le choix de rendre la chose et de se faire restituer le prix, ou de garder la chose et de se faire rendre une partie du prix. ’’

Art. 1646 of the Civil Code : '' If the seller was unaware of the defects of the thing, he will only be held to the restitution of the price, and to reimburse the buyer for the expenses incurred by the sale.. '' 

Art. 1648 of the Civil Code : '' The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years of the discovery of the defect. (...) ''

If a Customer considers that he/she has received a product which he/she considers to be defective or non-conforming, he/she must contact the company as soon as possible after receipt of the Order at the following e-mail address: [email protected]or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: 54 rue crillon, 69006 LYON, France, specifying the defect or non-conformity in question.

It is the Customer's responsibility to provide full justification of any apparent defects and/or anomalies. The customer must allow the company every facility to proceed with the observation of these defects or non-conformities and to remedy them if necessary. He shall refrain from intervening himself or having a third party intervene for this purpose.

If the defects and/or anomalies are confirmed by the company, the latter will then send the Customer its instructions on how to proceed after having taken note of the complaint thus formulated and, if necessary, will proceed with the replacement of the product of which the company would have been led to note the lack of conformity, or the defectiveness.

Should it be impossible to exchange the product, the company will be obliged to reimburse the Customer within fourteen days of receipt of the product. Reimbursement will be made at the company's discretion by crediting the Customer's bank account, although the Customer may opt for another method of reimbursement (bank transfer).  


  1. The Customer agrees to abide by the terms of these GTC.

  2. The Customer undertakes to use the Site and services in accordance with the company's instructions.

  3. The Customer agrees to use the Site solely for personal use, in accordance with these GTC. In this respect, the Customer agrees to refrain from:
  • Use the Site in any manner that is unlawful, for any purpose that is unlawful, or in any manner that is inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions.
  • To sell, copy, reproduce, rent, lend, distribute, transfer or sub-license all or part of the contents appearing on the Site or to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, display in customer-readable form, attempt to discover any source code or use any software enabling or comprising all or part of the Site.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site's computer system or engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of or interferes with the performance or deteriorates the functionality of the Site.
  • To use the Site for abusive purposes by deliberately introducing viruses or any other malicious program and to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site.
  • Infringe the company's intellectual property rights and/or resell or attempt to resell the products to third parties. 
  • To denigrate the Site and/or the products as well as the company on social networks and any other means of communication. 
  1. If, for any reason whatsoever, the company considers that the Customer is in breach of these GTC, the company may, at any time and at its sole discretion, remove the Customer's access to the Site and take any measures, including civil and criminal legal action, against the Customer.


(UPDATED 01/24)

Le Lab de l'Endo delivers in France and abroad. We only ship to countries that allow the import of seeds and natural substrate. 

Country | Delivery type | Delivery times* | Rates
🇧🇪Belgique (2 options)
Livraison Domicile Mondial Relay | 4/6 jours | 17,80€
Livraison en point de retrait Mondial Relay | 4/6 jours | 8,90€
DOM/TOM (1 option)
Colissimo Signature DOM/TOM | 10 jours | 32€
🇪🇸Espagne (2 options)
Domicilio - InPost | 3/4 días | 17,90€
Punto Pack - InPost | 3/4 días | 8,90€
🇫🇷France (3 options)
Domicile (DPD Predict) | 48H | 8,90€
Lettre Verte (Spécial Testing Kit) | - | 3,90€
Livraison en point de retrait Mondial Relay | 4/6 jours | 5,90€
🇮🇹Italie (2 options)
Casa - InPost | 3/4 giorni | 17,90€
Inpost Point - InPost | 3/4 giorni | 8,90€
🇱🇺 Luxembourg (2 options)
Livraison Domicile Mondial Relay | 4/6 jours | 17,80€
Livraison en point de retrait Mondial Relay | 4/6 jours | 8,90€
🇵🇹 Portugal (2 options)
Domicílio - InPost | 3/4 dias | 17,90€
Ponto Pack - InPost | 3/4 días | 8,90€
🇨🇭 Switzerland (1 option)
Domicile Suisse Fedex | 3/4 jours | 16€
*Average delivery time provided contractually by carriers 

Orders are considered validated on receipt of payment. Packages are generally dispatched within 1 to 2 days (working days) after receipt of payment (unless otherwise specified at the time of order). In addition to this shipping time, the carrier's delivery times vary according to the country of destination. 

Complete calculation of delivery time = Preparation + Shipping 

Orders are dispatched by OUILOG from Monday to Friday at 1 p.m., and on Monday for orders placed over the weekend. Whatever delivery method you choose, we'll send you a link to track your package online.  

If you are absent, you will receive a notice asking you to collect your parcel from the nearest post office or collection point. We therefore recommend that you opt for delivery to a post office or collection point when placing your order.


Right of withdrawal and return

  1. In accordance with Articles L.221-18 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of 14 days from receipt of the last product ordered on the Site to exercise his right of withdrawal from the company, without having to justify his decision or pay any penalty. 

  2. All Products/Services may be retracted, except those excluded by article L. 221-28 of the French Consumer Code, reproduced below: 

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts :

1° Supply of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose performance has begun after the consumer's express prior agreement and express waiver of his right of withdrawal;

2° The supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market beyond the control of the trader and which may occur during the withdrawal period;

3° Supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized;

4° Supply of goods liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

5° Supply of goods which have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection;

6° The supply of goods which, after delivery and by their nature, are inseparably mixed with other articles;

7° The supply of alcoholic beverages whose delivery is deferred beyond thirty days and whose value agreed at the conclusion of the contract depends on fluctuations in the market beyond the control of the trader;

8° Maintenance or repair work to be carried out urgently at the consumer's home and expressly requested by the consumer, within the limit of spare parts and work strictly necessary to respond to the emergency;

9° Supply of audio or video recordings or computer software when they have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery;

10° Supply of a newspaper, periodical or magazine, except for subscription contracts for these publications;

11° Concluded at a public auction ;

12° Accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transport services, car rental, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or at a specific time;

13° The supply of digital content not provided on a tangible medium, the performance of which has begun after the consumer has given his express prior consent and expressly waived his right of withdrawal. 

You have received your order and would like to return it or one of the products? This is possible under certain conditions.
We accept the return of your order, provided that your cancellation request is made within 14 days of the delivery date.
=> You are responsible for the return shipping costs.

How do I return my order/product? 

  1. Declare: Please write to us at [email protected] with the following information: Order number + telephone number, together with your request for withdrawal. From this date, you will have 14 days to return the products.
  2. Parcel: When placing the parcel, please add the product(s) to be returned as well as the number, surname and first name linked to this order.
  3. Product(s): Please take particular care not to damage the products you wish to return. Check that all products are in their original packaging, unused and in perfect condition. Any product that has been opened or damaged will not be refunded.

  4. Please return the parcel to the following address: 

25 Heyrieux Station
Tel 06 32 87 97 14

We advise you to choose a shipment with a tracking number. In the event of delivery problems or delays, we will ask you to consult this tracking number to inform us of the status of the delivery. Without a tracking number, we will not accept any claims concerning lost packages.

The refund will be made upon receipt of your package.


  1. The company takes all appropriate measures to ensure that the Customer is supplied with quality product(s)/quality service(s) under optimum conditions. However, the company cannot be held liable for any failure to perform or improper performance of all or part of the services provided for in the contract, which is attributable either to the Customer, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party outside the contract, or to a case of force majeure. More generally, should the company be held liable is held liable, it may under no circumstances agree to compensate the Customer for indirect damage or damage whose existence and/or quantum is not established by evidence.

  2. The company cannot be held liable for simple errors or omissions which may have occurred despite all the precautions taken in the presentation of the Products. In particular, the photos on the Site are provided for information purposes only. Under no circumstances may a modification of the container or content of a Product be invoked in the event of a discrepancy in relation to the photo available on the Site. The notices published in the product sheets are for information only. The Customer undertakes to read carefully the instructions displayed by the manufacturer on or in the packaging of the Product. It is this leaflet which contains the information (and in particular dosages and contra-indications) which the Customer and in general any person who will consume the Product must respect.

  3. The company shall not be held liable for damage caused by misuse of any of its Products/Services or by failure to observe the precautions for use and conditions of hygiene, storage and safety when using any of its Products/Services.

  4. The Site may contain links to other sites not edited or controlled by the company, which cannot be held responsible for the operation, content or any element present on or obtained through these sites.

  5. The establishment of such links or reference to any information, articles or services provided by a third party cannot and must not be interpreted as an express or tacit endorsement by the company of these sites and elements or their content.

  6. The company is not responsible for the availability of these sites and cannot control their content nor validate the advertising, product(s)/service(s) and other information published on these websites.

  7. It is expressly stipulated that the company cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever if the Customer's computer equipment or e-mail system rejects, for example due to anti-spam software, e-mails sent by the company, including but not limited to the copy of the payment receipt, the Order summary or the shipment tracking e-mail.

  8. The Customer is fully aware of the provisions of the present article and in particular of the aforementioned warranties and limitations of liability, essential conditions without which the company would never have contracted.


  1. The Customer undertakes not to undermine the security of the Site. To this end, he/she undertakes not to access and/or maintain the company's information system fraudulently. Nor may the Customer damage or hinder the company's information system. Should he fail to do so, the company may take any measure against him, and in particular incur criminal liability under articles 323-1 et seq. of the French Penal Code. 


All elements of this Site and the Site itself are protected by copyright, trademark, design rights and/or other intellectual property rights. These elements are the exclusive property of the company. All these rights are reserved worldwide.

  1. The name and trademark, logos, designs, stylized letters, figurative marks, and all signs represented on this Site are and shall remain the exclusive property of the company.

  2. No title or right whatsoever in any element or software shall be obtained by downloading or copying elements from this Site. The Customer is expressly prohibited from reproducing (other than for personal, non-commercial use), publishing, editing, transmitting, distributing, displaying, removing, deleting, adding to, modifying or performing any work based on this Site and the materials and software contained herein, nor from selling or participating in any sale in connection with this Site, the materials on this Site or any software related thereto.

  3. The company grants the Customer a non-exclusive license to use the Site. This license is strictly personal and may not under any circumstances be assigned or transferred to any third party whatsoever. The license is granted for the duration of use of the Site.

  4. Any use by the customer of the company names, trademarks and distinctive signs belonging to the company is strictly prohibited without the company's express prior consent.

  5. The company understands that the protection of data and privacy is an issue for all Internet users visiting the Site. The company is committed, in accordance with RGPD regulations, to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data, i.e. data likely to identify you directly or indirectly as a person. 

  6. As part of the order process, the company collects the customer's personal data. The company undertakes to protect the customer's personal data.

  7. Files containing personal data required for orders are stored on the servers of the Site's host. This service provider ensures compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). The company does not communicate or trade customers' personal data.

  8. At the stage of ordering on the Site, the Customer expressly consents to the collection and processing of his/her personal data necessary to carry out orders.

  9. The purpose of the personal data collected by the company is to enable the order to be carried out. Personal data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, including compliance with legal or fiscal obligations.

  10. In accordance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended by law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, known as the ''Informatique et Libertés'' law, and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), subject to providing proof of your identity, every Customer, whatever their nationality, has the right to access, modify and delete their personal data. Each Customer is also entitled to request a limitation on the processing of his or her data and has, moreover, a right to data portability as well as a right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him or her. 

  11. For the purposes of applying this clause and, in particular, ensuring the confidential treatment of Customer data, the company has appointed, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), a data protection delegate, who can be contacted at the following address: [email protected]

  12. In any case, any Customer has the right to make any complaint to the CNIL.


  1. By ticking the appropriate box or expressly agreeing to this, the Customer accepts that the Company may send him/her, at a frequency and in a form determined by the Company, a newsletter which may contain information relating to the Company's activity.
  2. When the Customer ticks the box provided for this purpose in the Site registration process to place the Order, he agrees to receive commercial offers from the company for products/services similar to those ordered. 
  3. Customers may unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in each newsletter.


  • The Customer has the option of registering free of charge on a BLOCTEL (www.bloctel.gouv.fr) telephone anti-solicitation list in order to no longer be canvassed by telephone by a professional with whom he or she has no current contractual relationship, in accordance with French consumer law no. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014.

    Consumers can subscribe to this list free of charge on the website https://conso.bloctel.fr/index.php/inscription.php.


    1. These GTC shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.
    2. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the interpretation and/or performance of these GTS, the Customer may decide to submit the dispute with the company to conventional mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution procedure. 
    3. In accordance with the provisions of the French Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes, the company adheres to the Service du Médiateur du e-commerce MCP Médiation whose contact details are as follows: Médiation De La Consommation & Patrimoine - MCP 12 Square DESNOUETTES 75015 PARIS 15 - https://mcpmediation.org

    You can use the mediation service for consumer disputes relating to an order placed on the Internet. 

    To find out how to contact the Mediation officer: https://mcpmediation.org/saisir-le-mediateur/

    1. Finally, it should be noted that mediation is not compulsory, but only offered as a means of resolving disputes without resorting to the courts.
    2. The customer may also visit the European platform for the settlement of consumer disputes set up by the European Commission at the following address, which lists all the dispute settlement bodies approved in France: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.
    3. If this mediation procedure fails, or if the Customer wishes to take the matter to court, the rules of the French Code of Civil Procedure will apply.  


    Appendix 1


    SANAFLOW 54 rue crillon, 69006 Lyon, France
    [email protected]
    07 80 97 15 02

    I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the product(s)/service(s) listed below:

    Ordered on :
    Received on :
    Order number :
    Customer name :
    Customer address :
    Date :
    Customer signature :