In my first article on "how I relieved my Endobelly", I told you about 5 plants with powerful anti-inflammatory active ingredients, grouped together in an ultra-concentrated formulation to relieve endobelly during an attack, in just a few minutes.
And relieving endobelly during an attack, yes of course, is ultra-important. But what's even better is to understand how this symptom works, to get to the root causes and relieve it over the long term: by limiting its intensity and frequency.
Understanding the root causes of endobelly for lasting relief
The inflammation of endometriosis
As I explained in my previous article, the belly swells because of inflammation in your body (endometriosis being an inflammatory disease, we often have very high inflammation markers).
And the causes that worsen inflammation on a daily basis can be numerous, including (but not limited to):
- psycho-emotional inflammatory causes: stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, fear, sadness...
- fatigue
- inflammatory foods
- pollution
- endocrine disruptors (everyday products such as certain personal and household hygiene products, cosmetics, plastics, unfiltered tap water... )
So our already high levels of inflammation with endometriosis are often amplified, and endobelly has only too many excuses to come and bother us regularly...
How can this inflammation of endometriosis be relieved over the long term?
To limit the intensity and frequency of endobelly
So to understand how to relieve inflammation over the long term, thanks to all the books I've read on endometriosis, and all the women's health training I've benefited from since the creation of Lab de l'Endo 3 years ago, I tested on myself everything I could to reduce this inflammation on a daily basis.
And guess what, it worked. Today, I don't suffer from this symptom as intensely or as often as I used to.
How is it done? 3 answers to this question.
The 3Ms: Micro-nutrition, Movement, Mindset
- Micro-nutrition: because we are what we eat, and our diet can really help us to reduce inflammation effectively.
- Movement: because endometriosis causes us to lose mobility in our deepest tissues, and routines such as yoga, stretching, self-massage, stomach vacuum, etc., help to reduce inflammation in our belly.
- Mindset (emotional appeasement, stress reduction): because stress is ultra-inflammatory, it's the worst enemy of our pain, and our emotions are also directly correlated with our symptoms and pain.
My training to become an NLP psycho-practitioner has made me even more aware of the enormous impact our mental health has on our physical health.
And I've learned an enormous amount from my own experience with endometriosis, of course, but also from yours, through this community of + 100K women (through Instagram with @flo_etalors, @lelabdelendo, @sav.endo + our Tiktok community) affected by endometriosis that I've also brought together to be able to better understand everyone's endometriosis, because there are as many endometrioses as there are women.
These 3Ms (Micro-nutrition, Movement, Mindset) cannot function separately, and it is via these 3 axes that we can act on inflammation but also on the other factors of endometriosis:
- reducing our oxidative stress,
- of our inflammation,
- and our hormonal imbalance,
- and strengthen our immune system
- and our intestinal microbiota
So it's thanks to changes in the way I eat, move and think, and new daily routines, that today I have fewer Endobellys but I'm also doing better with endometriosis overall.
So I created this 3M Program, which brings together all the essential Micro-nutrition, Movement & Mindset teachings and routines that have changed my life.
So, are you ready to take care of yourself the way you deserve, with these 3 ways to ease your symptoms?
Implementing these changes in your life requires effort and discipline, especially in the beginning, but the resulting well-being is the greatest gift you can give yourself!