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Painful periods: herbal tea, Grandma's effective natural remedy!

painful periods herbal tea

The Lab's medicinal infusion is the first infusion designed to relieve symptoms linked to the entire female cycle (not just period pain, but also ovulation, premenstrual syndrome, and painful associated pathologies such as endometriosis) created by the Lab de l'Endo, in collaboration with a team of pharmacists and herbalists.

A synergy of 8 plants specially designed for endometriosis, with benefits certified by the DDPP and Pharmacopoeia.



The infusion that relieves painful periods, but not only!

Menstrual cycle pain

Symptoms related to the menstrual cycle can be disabling at various times of the cycle:

  • painful periods;
  • ovulation pain;
  • digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, etc.);
  • endobelly" bloating;
  • urinary disorders (pain, defective bladder...);
  • chronic fatigue and anxiety, mood swings...
  • endometriosis symptoms

All this is done chronically, with varying degrees of intensity depending on the case.

These aches and pains that make life difficult often have repercussions in various areas of daily life, such as work, relationships and social life.

Floriane, who suffers from endometriosis, created Le Lab de l'Endo to turn this suffering into a strength, and to help other women who couldn't find ways to relieve themselves naturally, as was the case for her for years.

"If there's one thing endometriosis has given me, it's the ability to take back control of my body...".

It wasn't easy, as it took many years of research, testing and patience to find the natural solutions that really work. Naturopathy, diet, food supplements, osteopathy, physiotherapy, stress management... Little by little, many keys were revealed to her, enabling her to find relief from her symptoms over time.

So it was an obvious choice to put her passion for plants to good use in the creation of a medicinal infusion to relieve menstrual pain, but above all the other symptoms that can be associated with other times of the cycle.

"I've always dreamed of finding an infusion that would respond to all my symptoms, at the various periods of my cycle. Ovulation pain, period pain, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, endobelly, PMS, mood swings... It's true, we don't just suffer during our periods!", Floriane.


A natural remedy for painful periods and menstrual cycle symptoms?

It's not "normal to suffer when you're a woman."

"I have endometriosis and have long suffered from pain and discomfort both during my period and throughout the rest of my cycle", Floriane.

In this same process of questioning what we've always believed and heard until now as women, comes the revealing question:

"Who said the female cycle only lasts 7 days?"

Seriously! The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but some women have short cycles of 22 days, while others have long cycles of up to 35 or 40 days.
On average, menstruation lasts 6 days, the follicular phase 9 days, the luteal phase 11 days and ovulation 5 days, but this varies from woman to woman.

The timing of menstrual cycle phases varies from woman to woman. So do the associated symptoms.


endometriosis painful periods infusion grandmother's remedy 

The Lab infusion is more than just an herbal tea: it's a menstrual and digestive ally.

10 grams a day, to be drunk cold or hot at any time of the cycle
10 grams a day, to be drunk cold or hot at any time of the cycle, can be taken daily to relieve the various symptoms associated with endometriosis or other cycle imbalances.

L'iconique is also a beautiful floral bouquet to be drunk hot or cold throughout the day in complete serenity.

Developed by a team of pharmacists and herbalists, it features a synergy of 8 active plant ingredients to relieve these symptoms at any time of the cycle. Each plant has its own benefits.

8 plants with benefits claimed by the DDPP & pharmacopoeia
infusion endometriosis
Yarrow is used to soothe periodic abdomino-pelvic cramps in women.

Hibiscus is known to relieve mental and physical fatigue, and promotes gastrointestinal health.

Meadowsweet has soothing, relaxing properties.

Blackcurrant leaves, rich in antioxidants, help the body overcome stress and exertion.

Chamomile matricaria soothes digestive disorders, menstrual pain and anxiety.

Angelica relieves digestive disorders, fights fatigue, boosts immunity and decongests the bloodstream.

Peppermint is known for its tonic and digestive properties. It is also rich in antioxidants, which help the body overcome stress and exertion.

Elderberry is used to sublimate the flowery honey flavor of the infusion.
The recommended dosage of 10 grams daily, to be taken on the days of the cycle when you suffer, has been established by pharmacists to relieve the various symptoms that may be associated with variations in the female cycle: menstrual pain, ovulation pain, digestive problems, endobelly, PMS, chronic fatigue...



Who better than our testers to tell you all about it?

Over the course of several weeks, we spoke with a group of 100 testers, and here's what they came up with:

- Better digestion, less endobelly;
- Better energy, less fatigue;
- Less menstrual and ovulation pain;
- Less anxiety, therefore less neuropathic and sexual pain.

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