If you suffer from anxiety on a regular basis, this symptom is often related to endometriosis/chronic pain situations.
Why do you suffer from anxiety?
If you think you suffer from anxiety, you probably experience one or more of these symptoms on a daily basis:
- Feeling of physical & mental fatigue ; Irritability ;
- Difficulty concentrating; Heart palpitations; Difficulty breathing; Muscle tension;
- Hot flashes; Stomach upset, digestive problems ;
- Urinary disorders; Sleep disorders, etc.
Anxiety is a common consequence of endometriosis for several reasons:
- Lack of recognition is real emotional violence.
- Self-esteem: "stop listening to yourself," "it's all in your head, isn't it? "all ultra-violent phrases that provoke helplessness, shame, guilt...
- Chronic fatigue and exhaustion can lead to depression.
- Concentration and memory problems, psychomotor slowdown...
- Complication for intimate & sexual life: 87% of women suffer from pain during intercourse! It's a vicious circle: fear of pain > reduced libido > even more pain > not to mention the horrible stage where some women force themselves to please and make this vicious circle even worse.
The mourning for her body, for a normal life, and sometimes for motherhood...
The intensity of anxiety can vary according to the menstrual cycle, and can be likened to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Between 20% and 40% of menstruating women suffer from PMS every month. This syndrome causes numerous physical and psychological symptoms (like those listed above) of varying intensity, from a few days to a few hours before menstruation.
In its most intense form, it is even referred to as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
How can you ease your anxiety?
Our mission at Le Lab de l'Endo is to create, with our scientific team and French laboratories experts in natural health, the most concentrated formulations on the market. Here are 3 products specifically designed to help soothe your anxiety:
Sleep Synergy 1500mg CBD Melatonin Did you know that poor quality, non-restorative sleep can amplify your anxiety? What's more, it's easy to fall into a vicious circle: stress > poorer quality sleep > more stress > anxiety.
Our range of Premium CBD oils up to 50%. (+ high dosage possible) in Broad spectrum version (0% THC).
Gummies 2700mg CBD (90 gummies so 30Mg /Gum!) if you don't like the drop format under the tongue!
See below (feel free to scroll with the arrows from right to left) ⬇️
How can you reduce the frequency and intensity of your anxiety over the long term?
Endometriosis is an inflammatory pathology, and 80% of the immune cells that regulate our inflammation are found in our intestines, which themselves are our 2nd brain, the seat of our emotions. So if your intestines are already inflamed, working on reducing your inflammatory emotions will help you reduce your inflammation, a source of intestinal dysbiosis and immune dysfunction.
So it's essential to target the reduction of our inflammation deep down to reduce our digestive disorders over the long term. This is achieved through our 3M approach:
- Micro-nutrition (nutritional support + specific daily routines)
- Internal & external movement (body therapy support: osteopathy, physiotherapy, yoga... + specific daily routines).
- Mindset (psycho-emotional support + specific daily routines).
To be completed with these 2 cures to target several of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in anxiety symptoms:
Probiotics 9 strains 30mg Saffron to help reduce inflammation and anxiety, thanks to 9 strains acting on the intestine-brain axisbut also with 30mg of saffron, whose active compounds such as crocin and safranal, with proven antidepressant, analgesic and antioxidant actionhelping to improve mood, and reduce anxiety and stress!
🧠 🧬 This is what we call psychobiotics: a class of probiotics specifically designed to positively influence mental health.
The PEA cure: this promising new natural anti-inflammatory, to target the inflammation that fuels our fatigue and anxiety.
Find out more below (feel free to scroll with the arrows from right to left) ⬇️
Feel free to check out the featured stories on the @flo_etalors instagram account for + tips on these wellness techniques.
What medical and therapeutic follow-up can you request?
This recommendation is not a substitute for medical advice, if you have symptoms, we invite you to consult a specialized professional.
For medical follow-up, if you are looking for a gynaecologist/midwife specialized in endometriosis, you can send an email to associations that have contact lists and consult the directory of private midwives, the website pointgyn, gyn&co, mapatho...
Or visit our dedicated chat rooms at Warriors Gang ! (just click on them)
(FAQs on endometriosis treatments available at the bottom of the page ⬇️)
Why are these products recommended for stress/anxiety relief?
Our natural products were conceived by our founder Floriane, who suffers from endometriosis, then co-developed with the Lab de l'Endo community and our team of experts in natural health & French laboratories, with a single mission: to offer you the most concentrated formulations on the market. ⬇️