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If you regularly suffer from anxiety, this symptom is often linked to endometriosis/chronic pain situations.

Anxiety: why, what to do?

If you think you have anxiety, you probably experience one or more of these symptoms:

Feeling tired;


Difficulty concentrating;

Loss of control ;

Heart palpitations ;

Tensions in the muscles;

Difficulty breathing;

Hot flashes;

Stomach knotted;

Digestive and/or urinary disorders;

Sleep problems, etc.


The causes can vary and if you suffer from it on a daily basis, it is essential to consult a doctor.

The intensity of anxiety can vary depending on the menstrual cycle, and can be compared to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Between 20 and 40% of menstruating women suffer from this syndrome every month. This syndrome causes many physical and psychological symptoms (like those in the list above) of varying intensities, a few days to a few hours before your period.

In its most intense form, we even speak of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

This can also be a psycho-emotional cause of endometriosis, which modifies the relationship with one's body, one's intimacy, one's self-confidence, one's social, professional, or even family life...

In addition to your medical appointments, follow-up in psychotherapy or emotional therapy according to your desires/needs (psychotherapy, sophrology, hypnotherapy, energetics, etc.) can be recommended to treat the causes in depth and hope for real well-being. on the long term. An adapted and personalized diet, yoga positions, specific self-massage, breathing exercises (particularly stomach vacuum), can also help to reduce the intensity of your discomfort. Don't hesitate to watch the featured stories on the Instagram account @flo_etallais to get more advice on these well-being techniques.

And according to recent studies, due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiangiogenic properties (against the proliferation of endometriotic cells), cannabldiol (C8D) would be the most effective natural solution for calming pain and anxiety linked to endometriosis. .

What medical and therapeutic follow-up?

This recommendation does not replace medical advice; if you have symptoms, we invite you to consult a specialized professional.

For medical follow-up, if you are looking for a gynecologist/midwife specialized in endometriosis, you can send an email to the associations which have contact lists and consult the directory of private midwives, the pointgyn, gyn&co site , mapatho...

(FAQ on endometriosis treatments available at the bottom of the page ⬇️)

FAQ Treatments for endometriosis