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The 3 intimate/sexual symptoms of endometriosis

dyspareunia endometriosis

Endometriosis can also ruin our sexual and intimate lives. Via dyspareunia, one of the symptoms of endometriosis that most affects the women concerned, and the consequences that can result: reduced libido, dryness, irritation, stress, anxiety and even vaginismus.

But why all this pain during intercourse, also known as dyspareunia?


Why does endometriosis cause intimate/sexual symptoms?

We can talk about these 3 symptoms/consequences: 

  1. Deep dyspareunia (at the bottom) or superficial dyspareunia (at the vaginal entrance)
  2. Decreased libido
  3. Dryness, irritation 

Endometriotic lesions - can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and even more distant organs such as the intestines.

These lesions cause inflammation which, when localized around the vagina and rectum, will make any form of penetration painful, due to loss of mobility in the area among other things. 

But that's not all! Endometriosis, with its chronic pain and fatigue, can affect sexual desire, reducing libido and the ability to relax and enjoy intimate moments... 

These symptoms can be caused / worsened by the side-effects of hormonal treatments often recommended by doctors in cases of endometriosis.


How to relieve endometriosis dyspareunia and its consequences? 

  1. Take time for foreplay: Long, attentive foreplay can help relax muscles and increase natural lubrication.

  2. Use a pain-relieving intimate care product : ultra-concentrated CBD intimate oil (1200mg) from Lab de l'Endohas been specifically developed to relieve intimate pain, dryness and irritation:

  3. Experiment with different positions to find out which ones are the least painful: Some positions allow you to better control the depth of penetration.

  4. Communicate openly with your partner: Communication is key. Explain what your pains are, and therefore your limits, and what makes you feel good / bad.

  5. Consult a sex therapist to find solutions for less pain during intercourse

  6. Try perineal reeducation with a physiotherapist or specialized midwife: Perineal reeducation can help relax and strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which can reduce pain during intercourse.

  7. Practice relaxation: Stress can aggravate pain. You can practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing, to help relax your body. Or try tantric sex!

  8. If you need a libido boost Try a 1-month or more course of our Libido supplement with 4 naturally aphrodisiac plants (see the reviews at the bottom of the product page for those for whom it has changed their daily lives).


You can also listen to this podcast episode about how Sylvain and I got through it all!

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