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If you regularly suffer from neuropathic pain, this symptom may be linked to endometriosis.

Why do you suffer from neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic pain reflects damage to the nervous system, i.e. via the brain, spinal cord or nerves: it can be compared to tingling, numbness, burning or even electric shocks.

These pains are defined by numbness and tingling of varying intensity, and can even feel like burning and electric shocks.

Their intensity and location depend on the nerves and tissues affected (shoulders, arms, thorax, legs: crural, sciatic, or pudendal nerve region).

They may be the result of surgery that has damaged nerve endings, or drugs that have had a neurotoxic effect.

Neuropathic pain affects 40% of endometriosis patients, making it a significant symptom of the disease.

How can you relieve neuropathic pain ?

Our mission at Le Lab de l'Endo is to work with our scientific team and French laboratories, experts in natural health, to create the most concentrated formulations on the market. Here are 2 products specifically designed to help soothe your neuropathic pain:

    • Notre gamme d'huile CBD Premium jusqu'à 50%. (+ haut dosage possible) en version Broad spectrum (0% THC) ou Full spectrum (<0.2% THC).

    And for topical application:

    • 50mg CBD & 5mg CBG patches: high concentration, supplemented with CBG, CBD's parent molecule, which is rarer and even more concentrated in anti-inflammatory active ingredients.
    • 1342mg Balm: a CBD-concentrated formulation to target inflammation linked to neuropathic pain

      See below (feel free to scroll with the arrows from right to left) ⬇️

    According to recent studies, cannabldiol (CBD) is the most effective natural solution for soothing neuropathic pain, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

    How can you reduce the frequency and intensity of your neuropathic pain over the long term?

    In addition to consulting a doctor to review medical solutions:

    • Follow-up physiotherapy is recommended to treat the causes in depth and hope for real long-term well-being.
    • specific yoga positions and
    • daily self-massage can also help reduce the intensity of pain. 

    Complement this treatment to target inflammation, one of the main factors in neuropathic pain:

    • The PEA cure: a promising new natural anti-inflammatory to target the inflammation that fuels our chronic pain.

      See below (feel free to scroll with the arrows from right to left) ⬇️

    What medical and therapeutic follow-up can you request?

    This recommendation does not replace medical advice. If you have any symptoms, we invite you to consult a specialized professional.

    For medical follow-up, if you're looking for a gynecologist/midwife who specializes in endometriosis, you can send an e-mail to associations that have contact lists and consult the directory of liberal midwives, the pointgyn site, gyn&co, mapatho...

    Or also check out our chat rooms provided for this purpose on the Warriors Gang ! (just click on them)

    (FAQ on endometriosis treatments available at bottom of page, + recent scientific studies on CBD's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-angiogenic effects on endometriosis ⬇️)


    Why are these products recommended to relieve neuropathic pain?

    Our natural products were conceived by our founder Floriane, who suffers from endometriosis, then co-developed with the Lab de l'Endo community and our team of experts in natural health & French laboratories, with a single mission: to offer you the most concentrated formulations on the market ⬇️

    FAQ Endometriosis Treatments