Vulvar pain / dyspareunia
If you suffer from vulvar pain on a daily basis or during intercourse, there may be several factors at play.
Why do you suffer from pain during intercourse & other vulvar pain?
Itching, burning, tingling, electric shocks, irritation, dryness...
These pains and discomforts are not normal, and if they are experienced on a regular basis, they must be treated.
The most common causes are infectious (mycosis, cystitis...) or dermatological (eczema, psoriasis...).
When nothing is visible on the vulva on examination, associated pathologies are less well known and therefore less well treated, such as vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus...
In the case of endometriosis, vulvar pain is often associated with dyspareunia, pain during intercourse (around 80% of women with endometriosis suffer from this), as a consequence of the latter.
How can you relieve your vulvar pain/dyspareunia ?
Our mission at Le Lab de l'Endo is to create with our scientific team and French laboratories experts in natural health, the most concentrated formulations on the market. Here are 2 products specifically designed to help soothe your dyspareunia:
Intimate Oil 1200mg CBD: The most concentrated formulation on the market to soothe your aches, irritations, burns & dryness. Before, during lubrication, after intercourse or for daily care ⬇️
The Libido Complement: ginseng, saffron, damiana and alfalfa to help you boost your libido, because pain can lock us into a vicious circle of pain > low libido > even more pain.
See below (feel free to scroll with the arrows from right to left) ⬇️
Don't hesitate to listen to our podcast episode on the subject (available on all listening platforms: "l'endométriose, les tabous... #etalors").
How can you reduce the frequency and intensity of your pain over the long term?
In addition to consulting a doctor (gynecologist or midwife specializing in vulvar pain) to assess medical possibilities, follow-up physical therapy is recommended to benefit from the many techniques available to rehabilitate/soothe this type of pain:
- Pelvic floor therapy: Perineal rehabilitation (with physiotherapist or specialized midwife)
- Sex therapy: You can choose to consult alone or with a partner!
- Reinvent pleasure your way: Find less painful positions, or find pleasure other than penetro-centric.
Open communication with your partner: adapting the intimate relationship together to (re)find pleasure on both sides.
What medical and therapeutic follow-up can you request?
This recommendation does not replace medical advice. If you have any symptoms, we invite you to consult a specialized professional.
For medical follow-up, if you're looking for a gynecologist/midwife who specializes in endometriosis, you can send an e-mail to associations that have contact lists and consult the directory of liberal midwives, the pointgyn site, gyn&co, mapatho...
Or also check out our chat rooms provided for this purpose on the Warriors Gang ! (just click on them)
(FAQ on endometriosis treatments available at the bottom of the page ⬇️)
Why are these treatments recommended to relieve vulvar pain?
Our natural products were designed by our founder Floriane, who suffers from endometriosis, then co-developed with the Lab de l'Endo community and our team of experts in natural health & French laboratories, with the sole mission: to offer you the most concentrated formulations on the market. ⬇️