
Our innovative approach to endometriosis
Menstrual pain
Painful periods, ovulation pain, PMS...
Lower back pain
Tightness, weight in the back, iron bar in the lumbar region...
Digestive disorders
Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, "pregnant belly"...
Dyspareunia / Intimate
Dryness, vulval, urinary and vaginal pain...
Neuropathic pain
Pain along a nerve (arm, leg: cruralgia, sciatica, lower abdomen...)
Exhaustion, difficulty getting out of bed, difficulty finding energy, even after 8 hours' sleep...
Decreased libido
Manue de désir, feeling of disconnection with one's body, pleasure and sensuality
Feelings of stress, of being unwell at times or chronically, whether for a reason or not