Fleeting proctalgia
If you regularly suffer from sudden sensations of cramp, spasm or stabbing in the anal canal and/or lower rectum, there's a name for it: Proctalgia fugax.
Why do you suffer from anal cramps?
In a recent survey of 330 women in our community, 84% said they had experienced this type of pain.
We therefore suspect a link between endometriosis & fucaceous proctalgia.
Research into this pain is still in its infancy, but interviews with sufferers have identified a number of triggers: stress, defecation, menstruation, sexual intercourse, alcohol, suppositories or hemorrhoidal sclerotherapy...
There is therefore a clear link between inflammatory situations and this symptom.
How can you relieve your fleeting proctalgia pain ?
In addition to your medical appointments, naturopathic/micro-nutrition follow-up is recommended to reduce your inflammation in depth and hope for real well-being in the long term. The same goes for psycho-emotional follow-up to help you reduce your highly inflammatory stress.
Feel free to check out the featured stories on the instagram account @flo_etalors for + tips on these wellness techniques.
And to target your inflammation reduction over the long term, here's what you can test:
- The PEA cure: this new natural anti-inflammatory will help you target your inflammation in depth to reduce it over the long term.
Intimate oil 1200mg CBD: to help relieve cramps, during a crisis or in the hours that follow, apply our intimate oil, the most concentrated in CBD on the market, to bring you 100% natural anti-inflammatory relief that will help calm your cramps.
Discover these 2 products below and don't hesitate to write to us if you have any questions ⬇️
What medical and therapeutic follow-up can you request?
This recommendation is not a substitute for medical advice, if you have symptoms, we invite you to consult a specialized professional.
For medical follow-up, if you are looking for a gynaecologist/midwife specialized in endometriosis, you can send an email to associations that have contact lists and consult the directory of private midwives, the website pointgyn, gyn&co, mapatho...
Or visit our dedicated chat rooms at Warriors Gang ! (just click on them)
(FAQs on endometriosis treatments available at the bottom of the page ⬇️)
Why are these treatments recommended to relieve your fleeting proctalgia?
Our natural products were conceived by our founder Floriane, who suffers from endometriosis, then co-developed with the Lab de l'Endo community and our team of experts in natural health & French laboratories, with a single mission: to offer you the most concentrated formulations on the market. ⬇️